COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update

March 17, 2020

To Our Patients, Families and Friends,

At Warrier Dentistry, your health and safety are always of the greatest priority. At this time of uncertainty, we are here to reassure you that we are taking all possible steps in a commitment to keep you safe and protected.

As a result, we will be closed for all elective work starting March 18th and expect to remain closed until further notice. We will be available for any dental emergencies for patients of record during this time.

Please rest assured that we are following local and national updates daily, and will update our response and schedule accordingly.

If you have any questions regarding your future appointments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We will be posting additional updates through Facebook and Instagram to keep our community and patients abreast of the latest updates regarding the current health situation.

Again, thank you for being a valued patient with Warrier Dentistry. We appreciate your continued trust and confidence. Together we can overcome these challenging circumstances and continue your path to greater health! We look forward to taking care of you at your next scheduled appointment.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions!

Warmest regards,

Dr. Warrier and staff